Tip Tuesday: 5 Tips for Sharper Images

July 2, 2019 Tip Tuesday

Our Tip Tuesday blog post is tidbits of advice from accomplished colleagues, mentors, and instructors.

When you fully understand your camera and how to use it, your confidence behind the lens grows immensely and your work inevitably improves.  Follow these 5 easy tips from John Greengo, of John Greengo Photography, and watch your image sharpness improve.

John Greengo 5 Sharper Images TIps

Tip One:
Learn your focusing system, test it, practice it and know how to change it without even looking at your camera.

John Greengo - Camera 101 - The Portrait masters - Sue Bryce Education

Tip Two:
Move a single focus point to the exact spot in the frame where you want it. The focus and recompose technique may be a problem if you or your subject moves. Using the right focus point takes a bit more time up front
but it’s a more guaranteed way of ensuring correct focus.

John Greengo - Camera 101 - The Portrait masters - Sue Bryce Education 3

Tip Three:
Avoid cheap superzoom lenses (e.g. 18-200mm) as they are definitely a step below the sharpness of a prime or good quality zoom.

Sharper Images with John Greegno - Sue Bryce Education

Tip Four:
Know your handing holding limit with shutter speeds, and stay one or two steps higher.

Sharper Images with John Greengo and Sue Bryce

Tip Five:
Tripod. It’s not right for many situations but when the time calls for it, don’t be lazy, do the right thing, bring it along, set it up right (don’t use too much of that center post) and get the sharpest possible image your camera can capture.

Whether you just purchased your first camera or you’re looking to brush up on your technical skills, John’s The Portrait Masters Camera 101 comprehensive class will cover all your bases on your journey to create beautiful portraits. LEARN MORE WITH JOHN

John Greengo of John Greengo Photography

John Greengo is a photographer and educator based in Seattle, WA.  He is known for his visual teaching style and his passion for helping people master the technical challenges of photography. John’s combined love of photography and adventure has led him on photo tours across all seven continents. 

FOLLOW JOHN: WebsiteFacebookInstagram


    1. Glad you found them helpful! You will get there! Try to find little ways to remind yourself and soon it will be a habit. Good luck!