Shooting in SMALL Spaces

October 10, 2016 Uncategorized

Today we will shoot live from Nikki’s Seattle Garage Studio and explore small space and light and how Nikki is making this business a great success in modest surroundings. My first Studio in 2001 was a converted country garage and was 63 square meters / 678.13 square feet–over twice Nikki’s space. Image below: I shot for the […]

Exposure 2 by Alienskin is out

September 28, 2016 Uncategorized

AlienSkin have given me a beautiful feature page Here’s the URL: Exposure X2 is blowing my mind. They offer a 30-day trial for Exposure X2 that you can try for free. Here is the URL to the trial download page: They posted an update to Exposure X2 last week. You can download the latest version here: […]

Men Shooting Glamour Workshop (Nov 15 & 16)

September 21, 2016 Uncategorized

I am faced with an interesting challenge. A challenge I never believed would be a ‘thing’ but it is. I constantly hear “Sue Bryce empowers Women.” I do. I also empower men. In fact I empower photographers and business owners (not gender specific). I hear “Why are there only women at your workshops?” (average workshop […]

New Videos Teen Posing

September 16, 2016 Uncategorized

This subject is one I talk about often, teen posing. I’m reminded of a very old Britney Spears song Not a girl, not yet a woman. Teens are without doubt a very a confusing genre because they mature at very different rates and obviously the parents are a huge part of that equation. I negotiate HOW […]