My first year in business Kitti McMeel

October 30, 2016 Uncategorized
My first year in business Kitti McMeel
FEBRUARY 26, 2016

I asked people to give me footage for my Keynote for WPPI on how people were making the reveal wall work for them. Then Kitti dropped this story on me. I put together an Animoto for you so you too could enjoy this great story. Kitti personifies everything I teach, that age is not a limit, that unsupported you can DO THIS. That all you need is the courage to start walking towards what you love and the conviction to stick with it when you struggle. That the love of creating portraits is empowering and heart warming and life changing. I am SO incredibly proud of you Kitti McMeel I hope Kitt’s story fills you with hope and courage and conviction.

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Feel free to ask Kitti questions here


  1. Gah, Kitti! I distinctly remember the moment Sue played this during her 2016 WPPI Keynote. I was sitting directly across the aisle from you. This was the moment that shifted what I thought was stuck in my life; that a 52 year old wedding photographer couldn’t reinvent herself to shoot portrait in a viable business. YOUR story catapulted me to investigate Sue as a mentor. Thanks Doll <3

  2. Thank you so much Kitty for sharing!! I got scared after my first reveal wall and haven’t done another….you’ve just given me the pluck to try again!!: )

    1. Hi Cristina, I really knew very little. I never took a portrait and only had a point and shoot 🙂 I learned everything from watching Sue.

  3. I didn’t realize Sue had put this here on her blog, So thanks Donna and Sarah for your comments! Sue profoundly changed my life and if I did this, so can you!

  4. Very motivating! The first 18 seconds are a powerful reminder on who I am and what I do. I replayed it a dozen times till I could repeat it and believe it to my core. Thanks Sue and Kitti !

  5. Kitti, I absolutely *LOVE* your video!!! You are a joy to watch and to hear, and your images are beautiful!! I’m so glad to have found this today! <3